Spell Craft Tips
Believe in Yourself!
I used to direct these witches to different spells or blog posts that ran them through a variety of check lists regarding their spell preparations or divination regarding their issues. This all ended recently when I met a young witch in a chat room. For privacy purposes, I'll call her Violet.
Violet came into the chat all fired up over another witch in her area. This other witch, we'll call Becky, was gossiping about Violet - apparently Violet didn't dress like a witch should dress, act how a witch should act, hang out with the right people, read the right books, etc. In all Becky stated that Violet was not a powerful or true witch.
Several others in the chat encouraged Violet to ignore Becky, let it go, keep doing her own thing. With each comment, Violet grew more and more agitated. Finally it appeared that Violet wanted a stop-gossip spell or at least a way of binding Becky so the other witch would leave her be.
A few came to Violet's aid with various recommendations.
Just when it all seems to calm down and blow over, Violet piped up and told the group she'd been struggling for a month now to cast spells that worked. Nothing she did seemed to have any outcome. She tried changing correspondences and timing, tried different methods and meditation, and followed it all up with divination - nothing worked.
Again, there were the various suggestions and recommended links but it was then that I was seeing how useless this all was. It was obvious, to me anyways, that her spell casting wasn't suffering from the wrong tools or steps or chants - it was the witch herself.
In a way, VIolet had allowed herself to be cursed by Becky and all of Becky's kind. Violet readily handed over her personal power to others and their opinion. This created obstacles in her psyche that hindered her power, locked it up tight within her. Until Violet took back her power, embraced it and herself as she was, her magick would be a pitiful display of drama, incense smoke, and candle-lighting.
"Damn December, that's pretty harsh. Maybe the girl is just having a bad month? Maybe she hasn't allowed enough time for her spells to work. Maybe Becky really did curse her!?"
Maybe. But here's the thing, our magick comes from our will-power and belief. If we cannot believe in yourself and our power, we won't see it working in the world. Our doubts and fears will negate any working we do.
That is the true trick to making spells work.
I don't want to see you or any witch hand over their power to others and weaken themselves. I love you witches too much for that!
The Magicians is one of my all time favorite tv shows...but that's not the tip...
The thing is, this show has a lot of good points (to be gotten into at a later date), one of which is this quote from my fav character - Eliot.
Magick comes from Pain.
I'm not talking the kind of magickal rituals that involve blood, body modification, or bdsm. I'm talking about where our innate magick comes from.
If you've read the Spell lessons (which you should have by now) then you know that a Spell is simply spelling out what you want then setting about obtaining it. The thing is, our greatest desires, our life goals, those things we want most desperately are birthed from our pain. Our discomfort is the only reason to step outside of our comfort zone and set about doing what we have to do to get what will make our pain better.
Magick is a way of doing that and, thus, is born out of our pain.
Are you still in pain? Do you still have discomforts so big you can't imagine even magick helping you out of it? Have you read the spell lessons and are now thinking, "But December, this shit is HARD!"
I know it is. If magick were easy, if our comfort zone was where our dreams and goals and abilities were best obtained, then we'd all be living amazing, pain-free lives. The fact that this isn't the case. I have been there, there are times when I find myself there again. The only difference is I found the steps that work to get out of that place and reach the next level of my journey to my desire. You can do that too!